January 30, 2006

no exams today anyway

today was a snow day. Here's how my morning went:
I woke up only 13 minutes after my alarm went off- good timing actually, at 6:43. I did my morning pages. This took me till shortly after 7.
I got up and had my chai tea(yes, i know chai means tea, so im saying tea tea), and ashley told me that school was cancelled. So i watched a little of charlie and the chocolate factory, and then went downstairs to read some of that manga novel cyrus lent me last night- it's book 2 of gandam seed. i love reading it. I read most of the first one, when he had borrowed it fr a friend.
Hum, then i got breakfast- fried egg sandwich, as always. Seriously, i rarely eat anything else for breakfats. Im kind of boring in that respect.
Then when mom got up, i cleaned my room until noon. Yes- those two are related. She got up and made me clean my room.
Then, i traded going outside to "play" with staying inside to make pie. mmm....strawberry rhubarb....
First time i ever made a pie. It turned out pretty good. can't wait to taste it...
thats about it. Oh yeah. i beat ashley as chess. Booyah!
lol. ttyl

January 29, 2006

School on Sunday

So I went into school today, Sunday, for a physics review. It was really good of Ms.Smith to do that but who wants to go to school on the weekend? It was better than studying on my own I guess.

I write the super long English exam tomorrow (Mandi does too). 2 and 1/2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours in the afternoon. That'll be fun, sure.

Then I can come home and study pre calc and physics some more. I'm real excited. XD

January 27, 2006

i tried to post this on msn spaces, but it wouldn't let me. therefore, :

Well, this is it. I have 2 exams left and I am finished High school. This is almost surreal. I'm sure people are tired of hearing me talk about it, but hey- this is a big thing for me.
I skipped out on my free and the recess and lunch before and after it today. Mom picked me up and we went to middleton to get me a receipt to take my road test. When I finally pass it, I will have my newly licesnced driver's license, not just my beginner's. I will really need it for pioneering, and if i ever get a part time job. Haven't been overly successful, but then again, haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to finding one. Maybe I'll have more time now that school is done.
I officially have a favorite author. Michael Crichton. It's all my cousin's fault too. I asked Ubergeek to recommend a book for me to read, and he handed me Jurassic Park along with the movie and the instructions "read it first, THEN watch the movie." Well, i finished that book and then I read the sequel, The Lost World, and then I borrowed The Andromeda Strain from him, which I just finished yesterday. All excellent books! They are so well written and easy enough to understand but technical enough to make you feel smart. lol. I borrowed Sphere from the school library today, and when I'm done that, I have Timeline, which I also borrowed from Cyrus.
Speaking of Cy, he's coming over! Sunday. I hope they'll be able to stay for supper. Last time he came he stayed overnight and we stayed up til like 2 am talking. Then we hung out all day and played games (that's when I got ff7) and watched anime. It was so cool. He is supposed to have a dvd for me. Actually, all I know for sure is his mom is coming. I sure hope cy comes along!
Well, i suppose that is all for now.
Oh, i drew this kinda funky manga- type thing today. i'm gonna try and add it to my pics on here.

end of the day

so...it's the end of the last day of school for me...And im sitting in the computer lab beside greg cornect.
Our english class last period which i came all the way back fr middleton(about 1/2 hour drive) for, consisted of ms harnish giving us 2 sheets of paper and then dismissing us. So I've been walking around, and then greg and i came here. He's on his free.
I drew this incredible manga pic today..i think it's pretty good, anyway. I think i might even bother to scan it and post it on here later when i get home.
My cousin cy - i mean"Ubergeek" as he has me calling him, is coming over on sunday. Geek fest! Mwuhaha. Mom has no idea what she's gotten herself into. I will finally get my hands on a dvd of GUMDAM SEED Destiny. And im sure he'll be disappointed(but not surprised! eh, Ashley?) that i have gotten pretty much no where in my like, 4 1/2 hours into ff7. lol. oh well.
Anyways, i'll ttyl.


hey, i only got 5 mins to type here.
Today is my last class day. And My mom is supposedly going to pick me up before recess and ring me back at the end of lunch. That sorta sucks, cuz I won't get to see hardly anyone. But it's pretty much the only time I will be able to get a receipt in order to take my road test. Mom wants me to take the test in middleton, bc they're suppsoed to be easier there and it's supposed to be less of a wait. IDK I'll have to wait and see.
Anyways, Eng exam on Mon- 4 1/2 hours long. that totally sucks. And Physics exam on tuesday pm. Also sucky, but it's my last day of school.
lalalalala. What else? Big hug to ashley in case I don't see her til mon. I'm writing my exam in the same room as you, babe.
that's the bell. i g2g.

January 26, 2006


So Mandi invited to join her blog. What took her so long?

Hmmm... what can I say? I'm Ashley, or "Pinky" as my sister calls me. The kids I work with over at the elementary school call me Ashley Pink, a hybrid of the two names I guess. The pink comes from my hair, which has faded now, but will be bright pink again just as soon as I find more dye.

I'm all stressed out about exams but that doesn't actually cause me to study. Funny how it actually makes me slack off more. It's a stupid time not to be doing homework, but I keep finding a million other things to do.

I do have to plan activities for the kids tomorrow and I promise I'll do my physics homework. (ha)


January 25, 2006

new member

Hey y'all
I just invited Ashley Wile to be added onto this site. I decided to do that so we could all keep in touch after I am finished, which is in....6 days. booyah! I'll be gone...and missed, right?? am I right?? your stunned silence is very reassuring.
Anyways. After graduation, Ashley will be moving to Fredricton, and Amy and Lydia will be off to somewhere I have no clue....Probably Acadia, but who knows? I doubt I'll see much of them.
So...We will at least try to stay in touch.
That's about all I wanted to say...that and the server at this school sucks, and why are these pages taking so bloody long to load when we have hi speed? Argh!
Ok. I am done.

January 22, 2006

another day in the life of an ordinary girl

This weekend has been normal. I mean, nothing spectactular has happened.
I missed my nb ppl very much, as i normally do.
I actually exercised. That was what was new. I have had that pilates video for awhile now, but i haven't done it as regular as i'd like. So I did that yesterday and today. I walked the dog, which i should do regular but don't often. Two cows were apparently loose down the road from us, so rex and I didn't get to go as far as I'd hoped. It was rather cold out today too, so we only went til the end of the pavement on our road. you see, that's about 5 minutes walking. I normally would take him 15 minutes down our road.
And I haven't done nearly enough hmwk. I have a presentation first thing monday, an article to write for physics for wed, another presentation on wed or thurs, and a lab write up to have done for mon. Ugh. Then, friday, idk what's going on. Next mon i have that 4 hour long exam for eng 12, then tue pm i have my physics exam, then im all done school!!!
I heard that devin oikle is graduating early too. cool, eh?
Anyways, thats my ordinary life.
more to follow later. when something worth writing about happens.

January 19, 2006

I'm not Mr. Fantastic, you know

I am being stretched beyond what i can stand. I guess it's just that with school ending really soon for me, the pressure to get my full license, the need for a job, I am just not handling it well today. On my free period, I couldn't even decide what to do. There were so many things I needed to do, that I just did nothing. For 80 minutes. On the plus side, my head feels a little better now.
My classes are progressively getting more and more stressful, and I just keep thinking It'll all be over two weeks from now.
Then I start to panic because I won't see people anymore. Lydia, Ashley, Amy, Seth, and everyone here. School is stressful, but I think I'll still miss it. At least for awhile.
Lydia's sitting beside me filling out scholarship applications. I haven't even started doing that, because I know the course I want to take, and I won't be taking it this coming September. So I don't see a lot of point in filling out applications right now.
Add on top of all this that I haven't had a really good night's sleep in awhile, I keep waking up late and exhausted. That stays through the whole day, and the next morning.
I know this is all very whiny and well, i suppose it's much like me, come to think about it.
Hopefully I'll find a job soon so at least THAT is off my shoulders.

January 11, 2006

new song- yay

This is a song I wrote yesterday. It's called Tired Eyes

There's too many people.
They're getting so loud.
I try to hear my heat beat,
But it's drowning out.
I'm feeling the pressure
To be someone I'm not
I gotta make it on my own terms

So take these tired eyes
Take my worn out heart
Take this broken back
I don't need them anymore

I try to pay attention
But it gets so hard
There's too many sounds here
And I'm fading out
Will someone believe me?
Will someone hear what I say?
Will you just be me?
Oh, just today?

And take these tired eyes
Take my worn out heart
Take this broken back
I won't need them anymore

I don't believe you
How do I know I can trust?
When I've been so broken
Is there even an us?
I feel afraid
I'm not sure what of
I guess it's everything It's so overwhelming

So take these tired eyes
Take my worn out heart
Take this broken back
I can't do this myself
Please take these tired eyes
Take my worn out heart
Take this broken back
I don't need them anymore.

~Mandi Johnson, ©2006

January 06, 2006

one hundred and fifteenth post- yay.

let me start off by saying i hate being sick. i hate not being able to do anything productive without sneezing half a dozen times. I hate missing school, and I hate trips to the outpatients.
Guess what? I'm sick. I missed school yesterday, and today. Yesterday, I woke up and nearly passed out in the shower. Luckily i hadn't turned the water on at that point. Oy. It was one of the scarriest things that I've ever experienced. I could do nothing and feel nothing for a minute or two. Just hold onto the wall. It scared me so much, mom took me to the emerg. room at the Berwick "Health Center". The doctor eventually came to the conclusion that i had had a very bad reaction from taking my migraine meds as well as a neocitron for my cold. Never to be repeated. I felt kind of stupid, but hey- mom told me to take it and that it would make me feel better.
Well, the doctor ordered an EKG- whatever that was. Apparently it's a machine they hook you up to to moniter your heart for about 12 seconds. Then you wait 12 minutes for the doctor to come back and tell you your heart is still going way too fast, but hey, you can go home and rest.
He also ordered me to go in for bloodwork tomorrow(thats today) to check my sugars. Which i did.
So now I am here at home, lamenting the fact that i'll still be feeling awful tomorrow for the party, but i am going anyway because we already booked the room and what else am i gonna do with my last paycheck from zellers? wait- there's a lot of stuff i could do with it. But this party is what i've been planning on going to for over a month. And besides, i'll need to get another job later on anyway. I also need to get my license. It's gonna expire in March. My beginner's, that is. I just haven't had enough time on the road to satisfy me. Most of the driving to and fr zellers was done by mom or dad because inevitably, someone else would come along too. then I couldn't drive. So i am needing to get my full. If i don't, it's gonna cost me more- i'll have to take the beginner's test all over again. which i failed the first time anyway. Argh.
Anyways, i think that's all that's going on now, so i'll ttyl.