April 27, 2006

happy thoughts keep me going...and going and going.

The following is a blog entry that tragically would not post on my msn space today, so you have to see it here. Thank you and good night.

Hey ppl!
First of all, I will say the weather today was awesomely lovely and sunny!!
But there were a lot of things that went wrong today.
1/ my interview which i was so psyched and prepared for was postponed til tuesday. :( I even got up at 7:30 this morning!! Aside from the assembly, thats the earliest I've woken up in the past 3 months. whoa.
2/we ate at subway, not my most favoritest place in the world...but it's growing on me. Augh!! lol. jk.
3/the battery in our car went dead and we almost were stranded in Walmart- oh the horrors!!! waugh! far too many things there, it makes me a little oh, whats that word?? like, panicky because you can't actually FIND what you want, cuz there's just too much stuff. Walmart is ok, sometimes. But I have limit to how long i can shop there. Moving on...
4/dad came to see about jump starting the car...and we had no jumper cable so were were really stranded, and agh!! Mom's cell went dead.
5/this isn't a bad thing, tho. We finally got a drive home! yay. bad thing to follow...
5/b/ actually bad thing: I was supposed to go to work at Flyer Services today, so we decided ashie would go with me, and yay- we'd work together be dine in like 3 hours and we'd both have $$ and be happy. NOT!! Ashley was in a "mood" and did NOT want to work at flyers.. so I had to go with mom and abbie(who was in my way the whole time they were there) who only stayed long enough to help me with 1/4 of the order...I'm so tired right now...but sleep oughta clear that up for tomorrow..
Here's my much nicer list of happy things from today: YAY!!!!!
1/I did pilates this morning! yay me! Gives me so much more energy to start the day off.
2/I have several days left to be even better prepared and get over my nerves.
3/I got 2 new flavours of lip gloss today- Vanilla and cotton candy. Mmm....hehe. ^_^I dare you to tell me that's not happy!! :P
4/I earned $40- yay! I can now get a battery charger for my dig camera. w007!! And support myself a bit longer out in service... ^_^ of course.
5/I got a phone call from another sister about service tomorrow- that's a car group of 4 of us for service tomorrow.
6/I've gotten my ugliness out in the first part of this blog and now can concentrate on happy moments. Wwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! And more to come tomorrow!

PS: I am not on drugs. this is the result of over tiredness and having the "proper" amount of sunshineyness. ^_^


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