January 06, 2006

one hundred and fifteenth post- yay.

let me start off by saying i hate being sick. i hate not being able to do anything productive without sneezing half a dozen times. I hate missing school, and I hate trips to the outpatients.
Guess what? I'm sick. I missed school yesterday, and today. Yesterday, I woke up and nearly passed out in the shower. Luckily i hadn't turned the water on at that point. Oy. It was one of the scarriest things that I've ever experienced. I could do nothing and feel nothing for a minute or two. Just hold onto the wall. It scared me so much, mom took me to the emerg. room at the Berwick "Health Center". The doctor eventually came to the conclusion that i had had a very bad reaction from taking my migraine meds as well as a neocitron for my cold. Never to be repeated. I felt kind of stupid, but hey- mom told me to take it and that it would make me feel better.
Well, the doctor ordered an EKG- whatever that was. Apparently it's a machine they hook you up to to moniter your heart for about 12 seconds. Then you wait 12 minutes for the doctor to come back and tell you your heart is still going way too fast, but hey, you can go home and rest.
He also ordered me to go in for bloodwork tomorrow(thats today) to check my sugars. Which i did.
So now I am here at home, lamenting the fact that i'll still be feeling awful tomorrow for the party, but i am going anyway because we already booked the room and what else am i gonna do with my last paycheck from zellers? wait- there's a lot of stuff i could do with it. But this party is what i've been planning on going to for over a month. And besides, i'll need to get another job later on anyway. I also need to get my license. It's gonna expire in March. My beginner's, that is. I just haven't had enough time on the road to satisfy me. Most of the driving to and fr zellers was done by mom or dad because inevitably, someone else would come along too. then I couldn't drive. So i am needing to get my full. If i don't, it's gonna cost me more- i'll have to take the beginner's test all over again. which i failed the first time anyway. Argh.
Anyways, i think that's all that's going on now, so i'll ttyl.


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