new member
Hey y'all
I just invited Ashley Wile to be added onto this site. I decided to do that so we could all keep in touch after I am finished, which is in....6 days. booyah! I'll be gone...and missed, right?? am I right?? your stunned silence is very reassuring.
Anyways. After graduation, Ashley will be moving to Fredricton, and Amy and Lydia will be off to somewhere I have no clue....Probably Acadia, but who knows? I doubt I'll see much of them.
So...We will at least try to stay in touch.
That's about all I wanted to say...that and the server at this school sucks, and why are these pages taking so bloody long to load when we have hi speed? Argh!
Ok. I am done.
I'll miss you too.
Who will I annoy when you're gone, love?
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