January 19, 2006

I'm not Mr. Fantastic, you know

I am being stretched beyond what i can stand. I guess it's just that with school ending really soon for me, the pressure to get my full license, the need for a job, I am just not handling it well today. On my free period, I couldn't even decide what to do. There were so many things I needed to do, that I just did nothing. For 80 minutes. On the plus side, my head feels a little better now.
My classes are progressively getting more and more stressful, and I just keep thinking It'll all be over two weeks from now.
Then I start to panic because I won't see people anymore. Lydia, Ashley, Amy, Seth, and everyone here. School is stressful, but I think I'll still miss it. At least for awhile.
Lydia's sitting beside me filling out scholarship applications. I haven't even started doing that, because I know the course I want to take, and I won't be taking it this coming September. So I don't see a lot of point in filling out applications right now.
Add on top of all this that I haven't had a really good night's sleep in awhile, I keep waking up late and exhausted. That stays through the whole day, and the next morning.
I know this is all very whiny and well, i suppose it's much like me, come to think about it.
Hopefully I'll find a job soon so at least THAT is off my shoulders.


At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll find a decent job soon, Mandi.


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