December 31, 2005

new stuff

I'm going to try to be quick here and give a reasonable update on my affairs as of late.
It's been really nice to have these past couple weeks off for winter vacation. I've had a really good time. I've been taking this course that was given to me years ago. I tried to do it once before but found it very hard and eventually I gave it up. But I'm trying it again, and I hope I can finish it this time. It's a creativity course called The Artist's Way. I have noticed a bit of a change in myself in the 2 weeks I've been taking it. I'm trying to give up coffee(very hard, perhaps i shall cut back instead), and take up tea drinking. I like green tea and chai tea, and we have some in the house that i have been drinking regularily. I know they still have caffeine in them, that's why i want to cut out coffee. It's a replacement.
anyways. I bought an italian grammer book at chapters, which I have been reading and enjoying learning. I have always wanted to learn Italian, but never did anything about it. Now I have no excuse.
I bought a new outfit from Suzy Shiers- an athelic suit or whatever it's called. It looks really good on me, and I'm very pleased with it. It's chocolate brown.
Mom and I are hoping to take up pilates. I've done it a couple times at other people's houses and I really like it, so I have conviced mom to buy a basic pilates video that we can work on. Next time we go to New Minas. I'm kind of excited about that, because frankly, i need the exercise! And i enjoy doing pilates., and they don't take too long.
So that's the earth shattering news of the day.

December 24, 2005

quick update 'fore i fall zzzzzz...

hey y'all.
just a quite note here.
i have entered yet another level of geekhood. I got a copy of ff7 from my cousin cyrus when he satyed overnight earlier this week. and i've actually been playing it. like, yay.
My job at zellers has been terminated as of tomorrow.
After i sign off tomorrow, we're all headed up to hfx for the wkend. We'll come home tues.
The jan 7th ball is almost completely good to go! yess!!!!! Ashley and I have most of the info we need now, have gone through almost all checklists with mom and dad, and stay tuned guys, this'll have me higher than a kite. yahoo!! I'll get to see my friends and i'll get to go to a dance! Yess!!!
I am so looking forward to this dance. it's a formal wear party~somewhere to wear those prom dresses. yay.
that's about all.
oh wait- i got my zine printed. also very hyper about this. I will try to get my website into working functionality asap. however, there's a lot of html typing to be done on my part, seeing as i do it all by hand. typing that is. i don't tend to copy and paste, or let the "wizards" do it for me. so it'll be some time.
ok. it's like waaaaay late so i'll say buh bye.

December 15, 2005


I wrote that poem about 2 years ago. It was in response to a whole day where everything felt so weird, like it wasn't real. It was more like a dreamlike state, i think.
To express that feeling, I wrote that poem. Well, i had written a different last peice to it, the ending i posted here was added on shortly before i typed it.
Anyways, I want to know what you think of it. I like it, esp the imagery and such. It's not spectatularily happy, but i think it's a pretty good poem anyway. I can comment on it because it was written so long ago that it's like im a different person now.
that is all for now.

December 14, 2005

Today is plastic
Nothing seems to fit
I'm turned around
but I just can't quit

Today is just so fake
I want to scream out
But nothing's real
I have no doubt

Today is like the one before
Oh so very fake
If nothing here is real
Then why does my heart ache?

All so plastic
Not just the day
But also my life
It slowly fades away.

It slides away

Nothing you can do
Nothing you can say
Cause nobody knows
My life wastes away

Today is fake
Though I may be jaded
I looked for the world
But it had already faded.


Hi. I've been holding back writing any more on here because i wanted to see if someone will actually post an "additional idle thought". But i guess not.
I feel so stupid about whining on here, quiet like a three -yr old. But I do like to get comments. I'll try to shut up about it and post bout other things.
So what am i doing now?
It is a snow day. I'm taking an online course for work, that is, at zellers. I actually work tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day. Friday will actually be until 11:00 pm. Im not so thrilled about that, seeing as i travel almost 1/2 hour to and fr work, and that puts me home about 11:45, bc i always get out late. And I might need to pay for gas.
Ahem. Anyways. I digressed. Right now I'm at home, taking this course that is going way too slow bc of the stupid dial up. The 1st page took 1/2 hour to load, then i closed ou tbc it still wasn't loaded. I reloaded it and it took another 1/2 hour, then it started. I've been online almost 3 hrs now, and mom is quite annoyed right now. I started around 9, now it's almost noon.
When im finished this, i need to make sure all my hmwk is done, then I will finish my zine.
thats about all right now. ttyl

December 09, 2005

ive got about 5 minutes to ramble.

I don't know who will be reading this. It seems nobody wants to post comments anymore. :*(
Today is a little weird. I slept in, as always. i got up, had my normal am routine. I dashed out to the bus with my coffee in hand.
yadayadayda I'm here on my free, second period. The fire alarm has gone off serveral times, but one ring then a few minutes, and another. My head hurts a little from it.
Also, I tripped and blanked out. I mena, I was kneeling, and I stood up, took a few steps and grabbed my head and tripped. Not pleasant. And i've been a bit more lightheaded since then. that was the start of this period. Not fun.
I got new jeans yesterday. they say that shopping is like therepy for some women. I don't know, ibut these jeans make me pretty damn happy.
lol. ttyl.

December 08, 2005

i have work later on today

yes, i'll be at zellers fr 6-10 today, and tomorrow. and 3:30- 10 on saturday.
I asked to be scheduled for 6-10 today and tomorrow bc mom was supposed to be in hfx, helping barb recover fr surgery. however, her surgery was supposed to be yesterday, but they had to reschedule her, so mom will actually be home the rest of this week. So I asked for time off for nothing. Argh! That really pisses me off. But theres not much i can do about it.
I think I'll buy some new jeans today, though. I get paid today. yay. I opened a chequing account
yesterday so i can use it as a savings account. odd, i know, but thats the way the bank works.
Anyways. I have a physics test today, first period, i think. Not looking forward to it, but hoping i'll be done early as always.
No one has posted on her for awhile. Beginning to wonder if anyone reads this.....
regardless. I'll still post here.

December 07, 2005


i changed the bg. what do ya think?
my life: i have a project to finish for physics- we're almost done, actually.
I have a scene to read for English in Hamlet.
I am reading a fantasy book instead, called "Of two Minds". v interesting, by carol matas and Perry Nodelman.
My sisters are sick.
I'm working tomorrow and the next day and the next day.
I am planning on service after school today.
My life is pretty dull right now.
Come back later.

December 06, 2005

thinking about changing my template on here. I kind of like one here with a green bg...neway, i'll change it l8er.