October 27, 2005

long weekend

i was quite stunned to find out we have a long weekend today. We have an inservice tomorrow, apparently. I have to go for bloodwork in the morning. Ash and rick are getting their school photos taken in the afternoon.
I don't know what i will do. Probably sit around and try to clean my room. Or try writing some more of that song for my english project. hehe...
well nm is really going on right now(my life is quite boring unless i do something to spice it up). so i'll ttyl.

October 20, 2005


eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! robotics competition tomorrow. im a bit nervous, but I'm soooooo excited. if we win or not, it's been amazing working with those guys, even if i don't have the guts to tell them in person. lol.
anyways. i have to get to bed really quick, bc i have to get up real early to shower, straighten my hair, and do all that jazzy stuff, and bike like mad to get to lydia's house to get a ride to acadia u. eeeeeeeeeee! im so excited. and nervous. breathe. breathe.
ok. i got a call fr zellers today, and i have a job interview. wow. i was sooooooo nervous on the phone. i swear, i was just so shocked that they called back. i applied there awhile ago. it was a long application too. but i really would like to work there. hope i don't freeze up.
hmm. anyways, i guess that's the big news in my life now....
oh. that project that i worked so hard on (ok, while i was on msn most of the time tlking to adam or darcy). thats right- so hard. I got a 97 on it. i was floating today at recess. so happy about that. so so so happy. that course has my lowest mark- 81. so i want to bring it up.
physics 11 test on thurs next week.
im finding it v boring right now, cause we are doing really old math stuff, like that i remember the pricipals fr back in gr 6. and we're also doing this quadratics equation that i learned in adv. math 12, that no one else in my class has ever heard of. they're all in gr 11.
ok. i am done now.
~one gal out to change the world. ha! not likely, but i can dream mighty big.

October 17, 2005


i am working on the finishing touches of my powerpoint...then i need to burn it onto a cd. It was due today, and i would have passed it in, but i forgot to email it to myself, so I couldn't pass it in today. I hope I don't lose too much when she marks it.
today was alright, i was a little out of sorts most of the day.I had a disturbing dream that i will not disclose here that preoccupied me some of this morning.
We worked on the robot a little at lunch, and we were all pretty tired, but cheerful.
The competition is on Friday!!! I hope we'll be ready. Alex was talking about not entering the house part. I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, we've worked this far, and we could at least try for some points. even if we don't win.
anyways, i g2g. ttyl.

October 14, 2005


blah. i am trying to finish my project on French Polynesia. It's going very slow. I'm finding that I'm missing little bits of info, ect. Not good. Plus, I cannot concentrate on this! Argh!
Happy place, happy place. Ugh. I had to work today. We worked really fast, and quite well together, ashley and i. We made 55$ of which i'll be lucky to recieve 10. So much for paying for my road test. It costs 90. I may need to let it expire(gasp!) and take the written over again. I cannot let that happen. Oh, how i need a job other than flyers.
Anyways. Here's happy place: Practice day for the Robotics competition is tomorrow(eee!!) We have to be there for 2:10. We're bringing lydia too, cuz she's on the other team.
on sun, we are going to bridgewater cuz dad has a talk. we have been invited to Barb Nowe's house for lunch afterwards. I hope we get home in time to finish this ****** project.
Ok. Happy place. breathe in, out. in, out. Ok. I was at frenchy's(applying for work) on sun. I got a hair straightener for $2.50. I was ecstatic. it works well, too. eeee!
Ok. That's about all i have to type, i need to finish that project. sigh.

October 12, 2005


sigh. i can barely keep my eyes open, and it's only 10:48. well, i really should go to bed. But Lost is on....
I worked hard on the maze part of the robot competition....but im missing something, i know i am. It's so close to working...but i can't do any more tonight. I can't focus cuz it's makin me soooo tired. So I say g'nite.

study period

hey, im typing this on my free today.
I'm in the library, so I have to use this darned mac. I really prefer the dells that this school. The mouse on this thing doesn't have rigth click, and the keyboard sticks a little. And I don't really like the mac os 9.
the dells annoy me too, though. the school decided to eliminate the handy right click function. I love that at home, bc you can click out of things so easy. At school, our windows xp doesn't even have the desktop. we don't have any priviledges. argh.
anyway, I am trying to find some info for my large project on French Polynesia. Interesting history, though.
Anyways, I have about 20 mins left, and then we're working some more on the robotics thing. I love how technical that sounds- "Thing". lol. Then I have english, and we are picking our novels today. I picked mine yesterday, and I think I'll stick with it cause it's pretty interesting. It's by Margaret Atwood, who i have never read before. I know she's this really famous Canadian Poet/Author. Anyway. The book is called The Handmaid's tale, and I am enjoying it so far. Her writing style is different, but really good
So I guess thats about all I have to write now.

October 11, 2005


hey ppl.
i think i figured out the thing we were missing in the lego robotics today. We were using repeat until(my suggestion), and we should have been using repeat for, then if no, change directions.
hehe. I suppose i should rewind her and tell you how my day was.
English 12, the teacher loved my essay, and a good thing too, cuz i worked my rear end off on that yesterday. She said it was well done. I was like, wow. thanks.
Physics, i could have clobbered someone. I didn't, but I spent 2-3 hours yesterday working on my Physics hmwk, and then we passed nothing in. one of the 2 assignments(labs) were only a stamp(completion), and he actually said i did a great job. i was like, wow. thanks.
Recess, i went to the caf to find seth and his friends.
Global, i passed in my assignment. i got a test back. i did poor on it- 71. still, i guess not bad, considering that i didn't study.
The lunch time. me, seth, and john worked on our robot today. John gets on my nerves a lot. He tends to have this better- than- you- and- i- know- it attitude. it irks me. but he wasn't too bad today. We actually got somewhere today, i think. there was just one prob. But i came up with the repeat until function, which got us further than b4. But then i thought about it afterwards, and repeat for seems better. It'll just be trial and error. sigh.
Well, i have a talk this evening, srry i 4got to tell you lydia.
So i'll say ttyl.

October 10, 2005

I'm not dead yet!

Actully, im feeling quite better.
lmao. gotta love monty python. I have finally seen it!! (everyone cheers). all my friends had seen it, and quote it all the time. So i might as well watch it. I decided I could not exit my teen years without seeing Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It was awesome.
"I fart in your general direction"
"I blow my nose at you, sir"
"your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries!"
all these quotes are to be said in a ridiculous french accent. then you may roll on the floor laughing. lol.
well, actually, i really need to finish my eng hmwk.
so i'll ttyl.