October 12, 2005

study period

hey, im typing this on my free today.
I'm in the library, so I have to use this darned mac. I really prefer the dells that this school. The mouse on this thing doesn't have rigth click, and the keyboard sticks a little. And I don't really like the mac os 9.
the dells annoy me too, though. the school decided to eliminate the handy right click function. I love that at home, bc you can click out of things so easy. At school, our windows xp doesn't even have the desktop. we don't have any priviledges. argh.
anyway, I am trying to find some info for my large project on French Polynesia. Interesting history, though.
Anyways, I have about 20 mins left, and then we're working some more on the robotics thing. I love how technical that sounds- "Thing". lol. Then I have english, and we are picking our novels today. I picked mine yesterday, and I think I'll stick with it cause it's pretty interesting. It's by Margaret Atwood, who i have never read before. I know she's this really famous Canadian Poet/Author. Anyway. The book is called The Handmaid's tale, and I am enjoying it so far. Her writing style is different, but really good
So I guess thats about all I have to write now.


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Diane said...

Jeez, who spams blogs?
I write at school ocassionally too. That's when some of my shorter entries are written. I'll have to check that writer out if you say she's good.
(hope you don't get in trouble if I leave you a note on your site)

At 10:53 PM, Blogger paintingwords said...

lots of ppl. check my older posts.
the book is really good so far. I don't know anything else she's written tho.
And no, mom never asks who posted comments on my blogs(i have too many, you see), so I won't get in trouble. And technically its not the same as emailing. My blog is public.


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