October 20, 2005


eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! robotics competition tomorrow. im a bit nervous, but I'm soooooo excited. if we win or not, it's been amazing working with those guys, even if i don't have the guts to tell them in person. lol.
anyways. i have to get to bed really quick, bc i have to get up real early to shower, straighten my hair, and do all that jazzy stuff, and bike like mad to get to lydia's house to get a ride to acadia u. eeeeeeeeeee! im so excited. and nervous. breathe. breathe.
ok. i got a call fr zellers today, and i have a job interview. wow. i was sooooooo nervous on the phone. i swear, i was just so shocked that they called back. i applied there awhile ago. it was a long application too. but i really would like to work there. hope i don't freeze up.
hmm. anyways, i guess that's the big news in my life now....
oh. that project that i worked so hard on (ok, while i was on msn most of the time tlking to adam or darcy). thats right- so hard. I got a 97 on it. i was floating today at recess. so happy about that. so so so happy. that course has my lowest mark- 81. so i want to bring it up.
physics 11 test on thurs next week.
im finding it v boring right now, cause we are doing really old math stuff, like that i remember the pricipals fr back in gr 6. and we're also doing this quadratics equation that i learned in adv. math 12, that no one else in my class has ever heard of. they're all in gr 11.
ok. i am done now.
~one gal out to change the world. ha! not likely, but i can dream mighty big.


At 3:46 AM, Blogger Diane said...

I do hope your robotics thing went well.
I always wanted to get into that; I just never found the time to devote to it.
I also wish you well with your job interview. Lord knows how all of us need money.
Always Yours,


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