June 25, 2005

my (other) space

So rigth now, im updating my msn space page. Idky. I just am. I'm trying to fit all my fave songs on the list. this may take some time. And a lot of space. If you want to check it out, i believe the link would be spaces.msn.com/members/mandij.
Anyways, I commented most of what i wanted to say on lydia's last post. I, unlike lydia, do not work v well under pressure. I get mirganes. I know all about pressure. I try to stay clear of it, when I can.
Anyways, It is soooo hot out today!!
I hope we can go to the mall, for the a/c there, like mom had suggested.
~Mandi E J

June 20, 2005

soy milk

I updated my msn profile today. Took me awhile, cuz apparently I have too many interests and favorite things. lol.
Somethings I took off: that movies I like, what music I like, and what books I like.
I left stuff like randomness, dancing on the road, and walking barefoot on pavement. lalalala.
I love daffoldils. They're so pretty and cheerful.
I wore my supergirl t shirt today, oh yeah.
Mom has been buying soy milk more regularily for us. This week we have 2 L of chocolate, and 2L of vanilla. I prefer the plain, but mom actually likes it w flavours. So she bought less cow's milk, which is fine by me. Someone at school*ahem* has been bugging me every chance he has about the idiosynchrasies of my being lacto-ovo vegetarian. I don't appreciate it at all, and if he doesn't stop, he will never hear me talk to him again.
In other news, today is the last day of spring. aww. I love spring. After that comes summer, and it gets way too hot.
We're going to Hall's Harbour tonight for supper, we're gonna have a weiner roast. And veggie dog roast. teehee.
Well, I guess that's about it. ttyl.

June 19, 2005

sunday afternoon...

hey again.
i noticed lydia was on here, but she didn't post anything. :(. i feel like im hogging the space here.
My aunt and uncle didn't come yet, cuz my lil sis was up puking last night. she's all better now, but it messed up our morning.
bev's coming tomorrow!!!
and im hoping darcy'll be online sometime today(evening) or tomorrow.
i don't think he has any more classes, or does he have an exam or two? I know he wrote one on thurs b4 his assembly.
Well, i guess thats about it.
Oh, wait. there is one v impt thing. I started another song. It needs some work, but i think it's kinda cool.
so thats it, ttyl. c'iao.

June 18, 2005


this summer is looking good so far, i hope everything goes well. Friday we get our report cards, then we're officially on summer vaca. Yesssss!!(i love napolean dynamite!) Anyways. Tomorrow my aunt and uncle and cousin are coming over. i hardly ever get to see them, so I'm looking forward to that. Mon, i'm supposed to drop my resume off yet again(still no job), and then my aunt and 2 friends fr korea who are visiting are coming down, and we're gonna have a cookout at hall's harbour. Mom's gonna get some veggie dogs tonight for me. yay.
They're staying for a day or two. then, fast forward to june 29th. i have a dentist appt and then a check up at the iwk. Then, im staying at hannah's for a day or two. bev is gonna pick me up, and i think im going back home, or maybe i'll stay at her place for a lil while.then, we're going to kedge, then w/in a day or two, we go to pei. yay. my aunts and uncles will be there, and that's sure to be good.
then the finale of the summer: i'm going to my aunt and uncle's place in bathurst (all by myself, 7 hours away!). my sis may or may not come. she's dead set on going to toronto w/ her friend instead, but we'll see. While im there, Darcy is coming and he's throwing a grad party w scott(i still don't know who he is). i'm looking forward to that a lot. i've been told to not wear a prom dress. aw. i still have one fr last yr. lol. i wear it sometimes anyway, and i have a newer one that needs to be dry cleaned. except it costs like, 20 dollars to get it dry cleaned, and the dress
cost 6. so i don't know what i'll wear yet....
wow. this post must be so entertaining. lol. those are my plans, tho, in case ne one i know was wondering.
so, i'll tty'all l8er.

June 16, 2005

schools out

finally!!! im done gr 11!! i get my report card on the 24th, and no more classes til sept.
it was a pretty good yr tho, considering the rocky start i got to sem. 2. i had a tough time at first when darren came back. I loved english class, that rocked man!!! Drew was in my class, and josh P. man, good times.
canadian history is OVER. i just hope i did good enough on the exam.
I hope i did well enough in eng. that exam was interesting...i actually enjoyed it.
well, i g2g now, ttyl

June 13, 2005

exams- tears hair out

argh!!! ihave 3 exams!! i just wrote one- 3rd last person done. Histoire Canadienne 11. Argh! i hate this! i have to wait an hour now til mom picks me up, and no way to call her to tell her im done. I have a talk in the theocratic ministry school this tues, which i so need to finish today- this afternoon. So i can get a copy to my householder and then we can practice it. And Lydia- i would like to know if u can make it or not.
I also have my 3 hour provincial exam tomorrow morning. Yay. Jump for joy. I have absolutely no enthusiasm about it. My cousin Cyrus bombed it last sem when he took it- there's no hope for me. I think the only chance i have of finishing it at all is doing the multiple choice last, as he recommended. Then u have a 1/4 chance if getting it right. Oh, and then i have my eng exam on wed afternoon- so not looking forward to it, though it shouldn't be that hard.
So this week sucks. I am so not looking forward to it.
Last weekend was our District convention, 3 days. I helped out in auditing(sitting w the contribution boxes) every day, and i love doing that, cuz i feel like a part of the convention, even a small one. I also saw my cousin, Ben, who i have not seen in years. He lives in PEI, and gues what? we're going camping there this summer, so we'll see him again! I like ben, we are v close in age, and get along great.
I also saw several guys I hardly ever get to see, and my friend hannah. we had another fight. It seems like every time we get together, we fight and someone gets hurt. Physically or emotionally. But we hopefully worked it out, and i hope we will be able to get together over the summer. if u read this hannah, call me.
I think thats about it, so i'll say ttyl.

June 08, 2005

i'm in love with my guitar

I know, v cheesy line. But anyways.
I brought my guitar to school today. You know, to practice. Cuz Darcy's been helping me a lot. And I got some songs off the internet that i really wanted to practice anyways. So I played a lil before school, and then at recess, and lunchtime. But i couldn't sing very loud. And i felt way too shy. Not my normal shy, like, majorly afraid to let anyone know I was even whispering the words. I think it's mostly cuz the songs I was tryign out, i wasn't like, completely sure of myself. I hadn't practiced them an awful lot, or something. Anyways. Before school, ppl could see me sitting there w my dad's guitar, and on girl comes up, and she's like, play sweet home alabama. No way, man. I have no clue about the chords. So i gave her my songbook to look through. I had a coupla my songs and some guitar lessons printed off from darcy, and she was like, oh! play this one. It was one of the better ones for me to play, tho, cuz it was Cats In the Cradle. Its relatively easy, and I love the song. She thought I was pretty good.
I just wish i could have gotten over my stupid nerves and sang so someone could hear me. *rolls eyes* stupid inhibitions. is that the right word? I mean I was so paranoid. And i know i don't sing very bad. I'm not gonna go and make a cd, but im not a bad singer. I just consider myself to be average(or below average) in guitar playing.
ok am really tired, so i am gonna have to get off this computer real soon.
tty'all l8er.

June 04, 2005

feels like home

hey ppl. today is incredibly hot and sunny out. stay in your basement where its cool kinda day. I took rex out for a walk, but it was way too hot for me to have decided to wear bright red. My tee made me so warm. We didn't even mke it to Lydia's house. But almost.
Its a kinda lazy day.
We went shopping last night, and I got mom to buy me some marked down tofu stuff, so i'll try it out again. She doesn't buy iut much for me, but I like it and it's really high in protien.
I think there's something wrong w me today. I randomly took 2 loads of wash off the line, put 2 more loads on it, and folded the stuff I took off. I don't normally fold my family's clothing. Just mine- grab it and put away asap.
But hey, at least I know how to do housework. Some ppl don't.
Well, I am on msn, but no one is tlking to me- hardly ne one is even online. Oh well.
I got new glasses last night- I like them a lot, but no one has actually noticed them. Once i mention it to ppl, they're like, oh! hey, those a nice. But other wise, nope. I wore my black summer dress today out in service, and ppl were like, wow. i love your dress! So i dunno. Hopefully ppl at school will notice on mon. Ahem.
Anyways, i g2g, so I'll tty'all l8er.

June 02, 2005

today sucked

it did!! what, u don't believe me?
I had this pretty bad dream about alex...i will not elaborate on it.
And when i get to school, im all dizzy.
We did recycling- that was the high point. I was given a little bear w canda written on his front, and a maple leaf on the back. Well, i don't every own anything w national symbols like that on it...im weird that way. So I gave it to Lydia- i don't think she wanted it either. I gopt it fr being in histoire. Keith presented his project on le GRC- mounties.
Second class, I had to write my test on Much Ado About Nothing. I didn't finish it. At the end of the class, we watched the end of Titus Andronicus. I got nausous. It was pretty bad. And gross. And I felt like i would w/o a doubt throw up. I don't get like that! ever! except today.
I didn't feel better until thrid class.
But during recess, i learned that i wasn't the only one- Josh P was also nausous. He gets queasy at the sight of blod, and I should have known that. I did know that, i just forgot. So then I didn't feel so bad. Cuz darren had given me a hard time about it.
So the rest of the day was so-so. We had our youth action team meeting, and I think we are going to appoint Amy as next yrs leader. That's what it seemed to be leaning towards today.
Anyways, i g2g, so i'll ttyl.