June 20, 2005

soy milk

I updated my msn profile today. Took me awhile, cuz apparently I have too many interests and favorite things. lol.
Somethings I took off: that movies I like, what music I like, and what books I like.
I left stuff like randomness, dancing on the road, and walking barefoot on pavement. lalalala.
I love daffoldils. They're so pretty and cheerful.
I wore my supergirl t shirt today, oh yeah.
Mom has been buying soy milk more regularily for us. This week we have 2 L of chocolate, and 2L of vanilla. I prefer the plain, but mom actually likes it w flavours. So she bought less cow's milk, which is fine by me. Someone at school*ahem* has been bugging me every chance he has about the idiosynchrasies of my being lacto-ovo vegetarian. I don't appreciate it at all, and if he doesn't stop, he will never hear me talk to him again.
In other news, today is the last day of spring. aww. I love spring. After that comes summer, and it gets way too hot.
We're going to Hall's Harbour tonight for supper, we're gonna have a weiner roast. And veggie dog roast. teehee.
Well, I guess that's about it. ttyl.


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