June 02, 2005

today sucked

it did!! what, u don't believe me?
I had this pretty bad dream about alex...i will not elaborate on it.
And when i get to school, im all dizzy.
We did recycling- that was the high point. I was given a little bear w canda written on his front, and a maple leaf on the back. Well, i don't every own anything w national symbols like that on it...im weird that way. So I gave it to Lydia- i don't think she wanted it either. I gopt it fr being in histoire. Keith presented his project on le GRC- mounties.
Second class, I had to write my test on Much Ado About Nothing. I didn't finish it. At the end of the class, we watched the end of Titus Andronicus. I got nausous. It was pretty bad. And gross. And I felt like i would w/o a doubt throw up. I don't get like that! ever! except today.
I didn't feel better until thrid class.
But during recess, i learned that i wasn't the only one- Josh P was also nausous. He gets queasy at the sight of blod, and I should have known that. I did know that, i just forgot. So then I didn't feel so bad. Cuz darren had given me a hard time about it.
So the rest of the day was so-so. We had our youth action team meeting, and I think we are going to appoint Amy as next yrs leader. That's what it seemed to be leaning towards today.
Anyways, i g2g, so i'll ttyl.


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