June 04, 2005

feels like home

hey ppl. today is incredibly hot and sunny out. stay in your basement where its cool kinda day. I took rex out for a walk, but it was way too hot for me to have decided to wear bright red. My tee made me so warm. We didn't even mke it to Lydia's house. But almost.
Its a kinda lazy day.
We went shopping last night, and I got mom to buy me some marked down tofu stuff, so i'll try it out again. She doesn't buy iut much for me, but I like it and it's really high in protien.
I think there's something wrong w me today. I randomly took 2 loads of wash off the line, put 2 more loads on it, and folded the stuff I took off. I don't normally fold my family's clothing. Just mine- grab it and put away asap.
But hey, at least I know how to do housework. Some ppl don't.
Well, I am on msn, but no one is tlking to me- hardly ne one is even online. Oh well.
I got new glasses last night- I like them a lot, but no one has actually noticed them. Once i mention it to ppl, they're like, oh! hey, those a nice. But other wise, nope. I wore my black summer dress today out in service, and ppl were like, wow. i love your dress! So i dunno. Hopefully ppl at school will notice on mon. Ahem.
Anyways, i g2g, so I'll tty'all l8er.


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