June 18, 2005


this summer is looking good so far, i hope everything goes well. Friday we get our report cards, then we're officially on summer vaca. Yesssss!!(i love napolean dynamite!) Anyways. Tomorrow my aunt and uncle and cousin are coming over. i hardly ever get to see them, so I'm looking forward to that. Mon, i'm supposed to drop my resume off yet again(still no job), and then my aunt and 2 friends fr korea who are visiting are coming down, and we're gonna have a cookout at hall's harbour. Mom's gonna get some veggie dogs tonight for me. yay.
They're staying for a day or two. then, fast forward to june 29th. i have a dentist appt and then a check up at the iwk. Then, im staying at hannah's for a day or two. bev is gonna pick me up, and i think im going back home, or maybe i'll stay at her place for a lil while.then, we're going to kedge, then w/in a day or two, we go to pei. yay. my aunts and uncles will be there, and that's sure to be good.
then the finale of the summer: i'm going to my aunt and uncle's place in bathurst (all by myself, 7 hours away!). my sis may or may not come. she's dead set on going to toronto w/ her friend instead, but we'll see. While im there, Darcy is coming and he's throwing a grad party w scott(i still don't know who he is). i'm looking forward to that a lot. i've been told to not wear a prom dress. aw. i still have one fr last yr. lol. i wear it sometimes anyway, and i have a newer one that needs to be dry cleaned. except it costs like, 20 dollars to get it dry cleaned, and the dress
cost 6. so i don't know what i'll wear yet....
wow. this post must be so entertaining. lol. those are my plans, tho, in case ne one i know was wondering.
so, i'll tty'all l8er.


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