June 08, 2005

i'm in love with my guitar

I know, v cheesy line. But anyways.
I brought my guitar to school today. You know, to practice. Cuz Darcy's been helping me a lot. And I got some songs off the internet that i really wanted to practice anyways. So I played a lil before school, and then at recess, and lunchtime. But i couldn't sing very loud. And i felt way too shy. Not my normal shy, like, majorly afraid to let anyone know I was even whispering the words. I think it's mostly cuz the songs I was tryign out, i wasn't like, completely sure of myself. I hadn't practiced them an awful lot, or something. Anyways. Before school, ppl could see me sitting there w my dad's guitar, and on girl comes up, and she's like, play sweet home alabama. No way, man. I have no clue about the chords. So i gave her my songbook to look through. I had a coupla my songs and some guitar lessons printed off from darcy, and she was like, oh! play this one. It was one of the better ones for me to play, tho, cuz it was Cats In the Cradle. Its relatively easy, and I love the song. She thought I was pretty good.
I just wish i could have gotten over my stupid nerves and sang so someone could hear me. *rolls eyes* stupid inhibitions. is that the right word? I mean I was so paranoid. And i know i don't sing very bad. I'm not gonna go and make a cd, but im not a bad singer. I just consider myself to be average(or below average) in guitar playing.
ok am really tired, so i am gonna have to get off this computer real soon.
tty'all l8er.


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