March 29, 2006

excuse me while i interrupt lydia's train of thought...

hey ppl. so yes, i am working on my april issue of MAJ World , and the theme is Geekdom. I don't care if thats not technically a word, I am officially making it one. ^_^ I am indeed looking for ppl to submit info for it. love ur ideas lydia, email me soon tho..plz and thnx.
toay I took a couple hours long walk. started to worry mom too, i think. i was gone for 2 hours, i mean, thats a decent walk for me..a bit long for rex tho. he was tired halfway through, kinda funny, but a testimony to my determination. lol.
interesting sites there, lydia. check out i discovered this today, kinda funny...this is a portfolio site for a model named amanda johnson. hehe. im suddenly fr the uk, blonde, and taller. ^_^
neways, i think that's all i have to say now, so c u l8ers
ps yes, i should go visit u dia, and in fact, i did stop by today, but u were at band for once, i guess. lol. not that you skip band that often, but...meh. i'll try again l8ers.

March 27, 2006

Hey ppls. Was cleaning my room today, like majorly...and i know thats not a real word but we'll just pretend...and i found this cute pic of me and ashley...yes, i was little once. ^_^ I think it's so cute. It's so old that it's not even taken while we have been living in this house. It's fr b4 i started school, so i would be about 3 or 4 here. I should make u guess which is which, but it's not as hard as those pics amy and lydia brought to school that day..I am thew older, just remember that. Like lydia, only much more time in between. :P ash and i aren't twins.

so i didn't really come online just now to post on here, I actually only wanted to find out exactly what darcy had typed cuz it occured to me that i had seen that he posted but never decoded it. huh. so that done, i am gonna ttyl.

I'm gonna be around the house all day tomorrow, I think i might take my watercolours outside and try painting something. Maybe out of the book, but i'd prefer to try something original. We'll see. there's other stuff i'd like to do too, like call ppl to see who can alter my prom dress, (that's right, i have one! got it fr frenchy's yesterday!!!), and make up lists of more places to apply for work. ugh, not looking forward to doing that...maybe i'll find something else. Like clearing out the rest of my stuff fr the desk downstairs and bringing it all upstairs where it will have no space. eek. maybe I'll sleep in first...

Mom brought bananas! yay. i think i have some silken tofu..i will make a smoothie tomorrow for breakfast. the tofu makes it really filling and very nutritious. and it tastes good...

ok. so maybe i have started to bable here, and maybe my post here isn't very geeky, but maybe if there's enough new posts on here, the pages will go back to normal from the binary code. think so?

8l_l7 l_l 90774 4l)/\/\17, l337 5l*34l<>

^_^ ttyl


March 24, 2006



March 23, 2006

l337 5pl<

1 4l\/l 3xp3l21/\/\3l\l71l\l9 51l\l(3 1 l-l4\/3 _ll_l57 l234l_1z31) 7l-l47 1 (4l\l l2341) 4l\l1) l_ll\l1)3l2574l\l1) l337.
7l-l15 15 50l\/l37l-l1l\l9 3l\l71l23l_y l\l3\/\/ 2 /\/\3.
17 /\/\4l<35 /\/\3 f33l 50 5/\/\4l27. ^_^. 175 4(7l_l411y l\l07 7l-l47 l-l4l21) 2 l2341) 7l-l0.
50 y35, 1f l_ll2 \/\/0l\l1)3l21l\l9 1f 1 l-l4\/3 430l\l5 0f 71/\/\3 0l\l /\/\y l-l4l\l1)5 51l\l(3 9l241)l_l471l\l9, 7l-l3 4l\l5\/\/3l2 15 y35!! l-l33 l-l33. 7l-l15 15 4(7l_l4l_l_y fl_ll\l. ^_^
\/\/3l_l_, 1 \/\/1l_l_ p057 /\/\0l23 l_473l2.

March 20, 2006

ok. someone had better post something on here.

Hi ppl. it's been awhile, eh? I've bene updating my other blog so much, i kinda forgot about this one....hehe.
So We have gotten all the rooms and such switched over now, and i will be taking all the stuff out o my desk as soon as i get home at the end of this week. BTW, I'm in halifax this week, again staying with my aunt bev.
mm...eating roasted hot green peas, they have wasabi in good, lydia, you must try them. I got em at an asian food store. really strong for your sinuses. hehe.
so young sun is leaving for toronto and then korea tomorrow. :*( so sad to see her go...she's such a beautiful person and friend. (Im not refering to looks, and please tell me you weren't thinking it) I have her email, so hoping that we'll be able to keep in touch.
So tonight we are going to a pub for supper and we're meeting up w some other ppl there. and we're leaving i'll ttyl

March 06, 2006


My cold is still hanging on, but at least I can walk to the end of my street now without needing to sit down. I gave my germs to my mom before getting better of course, it would be too much to ask to have the whole household healthy at once.

I'm reading yet another book Kristen leant me, this one's called Stormrider. It's a good book with quite a few gory details, though nothing worse than CSI.

Though I don't actually like CSI... whatever, that's not the point.

I do like Star Trek, it makes me laugh so hard. I was watching an episode today and I can't help but giggle. Science fiction has pulled me in, but not so far that I can't laugh at William Shatner.

I've spent the last couple days teaching myself CSS. It's easier than HTML but it's not easy to learn on your own. Luckily I have a couple good tutorials to work from and I'm starting with a template, otherwise I'd be lost. (Is this complete gibberish?)

Love me. XD

ubergeekess the babysitter

hey ppl. Yes, tonight i am babysitting. So I don't have a whole lot to post here. But anyway, I was out in service today in the morning and afternoon, until 2:30, when i went to school for the grad meeting. Which i did not see Ashley at!! Where were you, ma petit amie? I didn't see you at all! I saw Greg, and lydia, and amy, and melissa and jill, and amy, and kerrie and seth. And brenna and patrick. And even britney came and hugged me. Took her less time this time to realize it was me. ^_^ last time she saw me but didn't connect for like, 5 mins. lol
Neways, I better go now. ttyl

March 02, 2006

update then.

Hey ppl.
I just got offline, and then I remembered I had told lydia I would update this thingy. So here’s whats been going on at my house: we have ripped up the flooring in the kitchen and dingin room, and have half of the new floors installed. The rest will hopefully be finished by the end of this weekend.
What we’re putting in is a laminate that looks like ceramic tiles. It’s kind of a boring colour, but no one asked my opinion on the color. I suppose it goes well enough with the walls and everything, though.
Other news: I picked up some paint swatches today, because surprise! Ashley and I are taking over mom and dad’s room, and they’re gonna take my room. Rick is moving to ashley’s room, and abbie is taking rick’s curtained off section of the rec room. So Ashley and I are gonna have an !awesome! new room, all in fall leaf colours. w00t!! And, bc we have bunk beds, we will have tons of space! yay. I think what we shall do for colours is paint the walls a better shade of yellow- something dark, but not too dark, and a mild colour- not too terribly bright, but not beige. ugh.
One wall shall be painted a lovely pumpkin/ spice-ish colour- the paint colour im thinking of is called terra cotta tiles or something…And then the door and closets shall be a nice shade of green…kinda like the color of a shirt of mine. It’s what I shall call country green, though im sure you’re thinking of the wrong shade, moving on- the trim around the room will be in a deep red almost burgundy. The shade is almost impossible to get 100% right, but we shall try and it shall be gor-geous!!
ps abbie is sick and ive been babysitting most of the day.