March 06, 2006


My cold is still hanging on, but at least I can walk to the end of my street now without needing to sit down. I gave my germs to my mom before getting better of course, it would be too much to ask to have the whole household healthy at once.

I'm reading yet another book Kristen leant me, this one's called Stormrider. It's a good book with quite a few gory details, though nothing worse than CSI.

Though I don't actually like CSI... whatever, that's not the point.

I do like Star Trek, it makes me laugh so hard. I was watching an episode today and I can't help but giggle. Science fiction has pulled me in, but not so far that I can't laugh at William Shatner.

I've spent the last couple days teaching myself CSS. It's easier than HTML but it's not easy to learn on your own. Luckily I have a couple good tutorials to work from and I'm starting with a template, otherwise I'd be lost. (Is this complete gibberish?)

Love me. XD


At 11:54 PM, Blogger paintingwords said...

yay! thou hast learned how to ramble. all riight! lol. I ramble a lot. Bunch of seemingly meaningless things that make up my day, and if you look close enough, you can see a suspicious pattern...
I really truly am pathetic 90% of the time. ^_^ Thats why I keep looking for the other 10%. Does this sound like gibberish?


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