February 27, 2006

well i might as well post on here

It's 12:15, im not normally online this time, but i wanted to tlk to ppl...and no one is online. phooey. Thats super sucky. I might try again tomorrow...really screw up my sleeping patterns I work so hard to get naw-mal. Ah Well.
I'ma gonna try to get to skool this afternoon...prob around 12:45, and i'll be there til 2:30. Mom has an appt in between there, so she's gonna drop me off then.
I wish someone would come on line...But I'll prob sign off pretty soon.
Such is my depressing life this evening.

February 22, 2006


Man, i am so tired today.
I was out in service all day, and all morning with abbie was pretty draining, with 5 ppl in the car. As soon as i got home i took a nap. I'm a little better but still tired.
We ahev our book study tonight, and I still need to look that over. !!. Well, I got an application for reg pioneering too, which i'll be handing in tonight. I am so happy to be able to do this, but at the same time, mom picked up on a lot of negative stuff ppl said to me. Kind of discouraging really when i realized what they had said. At the time I thought nothing of it, but when these comments add up no wonder i get so discouraged sometimes!
I tend to be a very upbeat person most of the time though, so I truly hope that I'll be able to fulfill that commitment. It's 70 hours/month on average and is measured yr by yr in the ministy work.
I still neda job, which i'll be working on getting tomorrow and friday- applying everywhere i think of.
That's my news.

February 20, 2006


Hey. Something happened today. Ha. We went swimming at the wandlyn this evening. woot. I can't really see under water, and didn't want to go, but it was alright, dare i say even fun? Mom dragged me and ash and rick and abbie there and once i got in the water it was like, well i better get some exercise. So I did 5 laps of the pool there and then joined ash in the hot tub. Which was very hot. Then we raced back and forth across the pool some. Then i went back in the hot tub- bad idea, actually. You know how when i bend down and jump up quickly or stand up too quick and get really dizzy to the point of (almost) losing my balance? Well that happened and took me totally by surprise. I mean, it happened b4, but i forgot all about it. So because the water was soo hot, it was all i could do to walk normally to the kiddie end of the pool. Where I hung onto the bar. Eei. Reminder to self: Avoid getting overheated at all costs in future.
But, like I said, I did have fun. Mom and Ash and I played monkey in the middle. Then mom quit and rick and some other kid at the pool played in her spot. Ash and I went back in time to when we knew all the words to Destiny's Child, and I had a hoot. You see we wound up jumping out of the pool many times to get the ball after it had been thrown out of our reach. Generally being foolish. It was fun.
so thats my exciting news. hehe. Oh, and I am taking my driver's test tomorrow at 1:00. woot. I hope i do well. All y'all be thinking of me- as you await the lunchbell to sound, i'll be F.I.N.E(Freaked out,Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional) . don't you forget it. Ashley. Amy. Lydia. Well, if lydia's at school. I hear she's not feeling well. Hope you're better soon, dia.
So I hope you enjoyed my exciting adventure i have shared with you today. It's the first thing thats actually happened in days. I spent all day around the house with NOTHING to do. Bored Bored Bored. Ah well. Busier days ahead.

February 19, 2006

computer restarting problem

argh. My computer has been restarting spontaneously for quite some time, so I am very fed up with it. It happens just when i get into a convo w kyle too, and thats sucky. He signed off once b4 my computer restarted. Not cool.
So I downloaded this thing called Ad Aware, and im just getting it up and running now. *Rolls eyes* I can't believe we didn't have spybot on this computer. I thought we did, but i guess that was the other computer. the windows 98 one.
i don't have much patience for looking for downloads regarding the security of our computer. dad normally does that. And he knows more about that. I can tell you how almost every single application and program on this computer works and why you should use this one over that. But i don't really know terribly much about virus scannining and such. But i can use them. I mean, im not hopeless on the topic. Usually i can't be bothered. I know thats awful, and i should be much more responsible about that, but really, that was dad's thing when we first got the computer.
lalalalalala. I love this song. Dancing in the Moonlight by king harvest. it gives me the same kinda special hippie-ish feeling as the songs fr The Graduate. hehe. I love that movie.
newayts, thats about all thats new w me.

School and Sleep

The school makes me laugh. A couple days earlier this week I totally forgot to sign in after staying home for my free first period. My mother got a call Friday saying I missed one or more classes that day. So, the day I go to homeroom (and all my classes, of course) she gets a call, but the days I don't sign in they don't notice? Huh?

I hate bringing my report card home. The only thing that my mother commented on is the one bad project mark, nevermind that I did well overall in that class. Meh.

I finished reading the two books Kristen loaned me. She's become my own personal library.

Let's talk about bands. Currently I like The Birthday Massacre, Panic! at the Disco and I think I'll like 30 Seconds to Mars if I ever get around to downloading more than 2 of their songs.
Why is it no one has ever heard of the bands I listen to? It's really not that weird and all three bands have wicked lyrics.

I'll email you back later Mandi, it might not be tonight, I'm having trouble staying awake.

February 16, 2006

And Geeks shall rule the world

Let us take a moment to honour the wonderful word Geek. It is a term I have used for myself, and quite accurately. So today I was looking for definitions, and I shall post the best ones here. ;)

Taken from http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=geek

Not to be confused with Nerd. A geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generaly not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet, and etc.

The people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult

someone who spends alot of time and energy in a certain area, not necssarily computers or techlogy

1. a nerd with (some twisted variation of) social skills. 2. Someone who has an obsession with computers and/or whose life cconsists of computer related tasks3. someone with a greater than normal computer skills.

Someone who spends a lot of time on the computer, watching sci-fi, reading fanasty but DOES have an actual life. Not to be confused with a NERD who also does these things but does NOT have a life. Nor to be confused with a DORK, whom both the geeks & the nerds beat up.

Geeks have the intelligence and proficiency of Nerds but branch it out in any feild related to an area of interest...Geeks have the advantage of being very capable socially, but usually only among other Geeks are they truely themselves.

mostly the people on this site, as alot of it has refrence to stuff they like.one who knows a little too much about video games, and computers.

Similar to nerd, A nerd is a lesser geek. Whereas geeks view themselves as technically competent and socially able, nerds are only technically competent.

Someone with a HUGE amount of knowledge in one, or multiple subjects. Usually acociated with computers. Seen as weak and unathletic, but dosn't have to be.

generally used as a way of insult towards friends, family, enemies, and random people. usually used with no meaning, or because someone has recieved good grades, or they did something uncool.

One that has extensive knowledge in all areas and is able to explain himself quit well about information in the world that is important.

an unpopular individual who has a great knowledge of pop culture. Usually reads fantasy and sci-fi.

In Glasgow:Anyone who shows any signs of intelligence,Anyone who used a big word once while talking

Isn't that last one great?lol.

February 09, 2006

~I found a new band~

Okay. I was watching Much Music, cause I never get to watch it unless I'm at Bev's, and there was this song they played a couple times. I am in love with this song!!! It's called Saying Sorry and it's by Hawthorne Heights. It's not their first cd, but it is apparently their first big album. This song is awesome, you must hear it. Part of the chorus is "Seeing you cry makes me feel like saying sorry". It's so peotic. I love the sound.
Anyways, that is all.

February 06, 2006

another morning of...not going to school

I still can't believe I'm finished school. All my friends at school are writing their pre-cal exams, and I'm at my aunt's house in halifax.
I've had a lovely morning so far consisting of sleeping in a little bit until 7:55 or so, then writing bleary eyed for 3 pages in my morning pages notebook, which, coincidentaly, has a lock on it. Then around 8:25, i got up and made myself breakfast, and for good measure, i added in an orange. Because normally, i would eat only a fried egg sandwich and drink my chai tea, but no, today I was feeling adventurous. So I had an orange with it.
I posted a comment on Darcy Smith's blog yesterday, and when i checked it today he actually wrote back. that was a bit unexpected, bt nice to hear back fr him.
I was talking to Darcy Chaisson last night online, as I saw his sister Joleen on Sunday. He's writing a song with his dad.
I went skating last night, that was a of of fun. Bev took me and my cousin Jennifer to the arena for the "Adult" skate. The lights were low and the music was oldies. I guess that is what they meant by adult. And it ran until 12, but we only stayed until 10:30. We dropped a few sisters off though, so we got home around 11. I hadn't been skating since mid december, and sometimes you forget how much you love something. Jennifer was not impressed when they cleaned the ice, because arording to her, she likes the ice to be rougher to skate on. Well, i just re-discovered the joys of clean ice. You can glide so much smoother on it. It was wonderful.
Before we went skating, we watched a couple movies, including Chasing Liberty- not really my thing, but it was okay; and The Graduate. I haven't laughed so hard at a movie in awhile. But I loved it. I even liked the soundrack. I know a few people who are realy into Simon and Garfunkle, but I've never listened much to their music. But the lyrics were so funny when placed in context with the movie. I was hooting with laughter at some of them.
Anyways, I suppose I must go now, Bev and I are heading out fort he ministry now. I'l ttyl.