February 20, 2006


Hey. Something happened today. Ha. We went swimming at the wandlyn this evening. woot. I can't really see under water, and didn't want to go, but it was alright, dare i say even fun? Mom dragged me and ash and rick and abbie there and once i got in the water it was like, well i better get some exercise. So I did 5 laps of the pool there and then joined ash in the hot tub. Which was very hot. Then we raced back and forth across the pool some. Then i went back in the hot tub- bad idea, actually. You know how when i bend down and jump up quickly or stand up too quick and get really dizzy to the point of (almost) losing my balance? Well that happened and took me totally by surprise. I mean, it happened b4, but i forgot all about it. So because the water was soo hot, it was all i could do to walk normally to the kiddie end of the pool. Where I hung onto the bar. Eei. Reminder to self: Avoid getting overheated at all costs in future.
But, like I said, I did have fun. Mom and Ash and I played monkey in the middle. Then mom quit and rick and some other kid at the pool played in her spot. Ash and I went back in time to when we knew all the words to Destiny's Child, and I had a hoot. You see we wound up jumping out of the pool many times to get the ball after it had been thrown out of our reach. Generally being foolish. It was fun.
so thats my exciting news. hehe. Oh, and I am taking my driver's test tomorrow at 1:00. woot. I hope i do well. All y'all be thinking of me- as you await the lunchbell to sound, i'll be F.I.N.E(Freaked out,Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional) . don't you forget it. Ashley. Amy. Lydia. Well, if lydia's at school. I hear she's not feeling well. Hope you're better soon, dia.
So I hope you enjoyed my exciting adventure i have shared with you today. It's the first thing thats actually happened in days. I spent all day around the house with NOTHING to do. Bored Bored Bored. Ah well. Busier days ahead.


At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I noticed something when reading this post and I felt the need to point it out. I love the way you used the whole F.I.N.E. thing, i lol'd at that. I don't know if you got it from where I heard it, but in case you did, The Italian Job rocks! It's awesome the way I can point out similarities between us, despite having lived so far apart for all our lives. Anyway, ttyl, bye!

At 10:18 PM, Blogger paintingwords said...

hey corey!!! yess. you are correct, i did get it from there. Proves how much we think alike, eh? Suddenly reminded why u are one of my all time fave ppl to talk to online. Great tlking to you the other day. We should do it more often. ttyl.


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