February 06, 2006

another morning of...not going to school

I still can't believe I'm finished school. All my friends at school are writing their pre-cal exams, and I'm at my aunt's house in halifax.
I've had a lovely morning so far consisting of sleeping in a little bit until 7:55 or so, then writing bleary eyed for 3 pages in my morning pages notebook, which, coincidentaly, has a lock on it. Then around 8:25, i got up and made myself breakfast, and for good measure, i added in an orange. Because normally, i would eat only a fried egg sandwich and drink my chai tea, but no, today I was feeling adventurous. So I had an orange with it.
I posted a comment on Darcy Smith's blog yesterday, and when i checked it today he actually wrote back. that was a bit unexpected, bt nice to hear back fr him.
I was talking to Darcy Chaisson last night online, as I saw his sister Joleen on Sunday. He's writing a song with his dad.
I went skating last night, that was a of of fun. Bev took me and my cousin Jennifer to the arena for the "Adult" skate. The lights were low and the music was oldies. I guess that is what they meant by adult. And it ran until 12, but we only stayed until 10:30. We dropped a few sisters off though, so we got home around 11. I hadn't been skating since mid december, and sometimes you forget how much you love something. Jennifer was not impressed when they cleaned the ice, because arording to her, she likes the ice to be rougher to skate on. Well, i just re-discovered the joys of clean ice. You can glide so much smoother on it. It was wonderful.
Before we went skating, we watched a couple movies, including Chasing Liberty- not really my thing, but it was okay; and The Graduate. I haven't laughed so hard at a movie in awhile. But I loved it. I even liked the soundrack. I know a few people who are realy into Simon and Garfunkle, but I've never listened much to their music. But the lyrics were so funny when placed in context with the movie. I was hooting with laughter at some of them.
Anyways, I suppose I must go now, Bev and I are heading out fort he ministry now. I'l ttyl.


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