February 19, 2006

School and Sleep

The school makes me laugh. A couple days earlier this week I totally forgot to sign in after staying home for my free first period. My mother got a call Friday saying I missed one or more classes that day. So, the day I go to homeroom (and all my classes, of course) she gets a call, but the days I don't sign in they don't notice? Huh?

I hate bringing my report card home. The only thing that my mother commented on is the one bad project mark, nevermind that I did well overall in that class. Meh.

I finished reading the two books Kristen loaned me. She's become my own personal library.

Let's talk about bands. Currently I like The Birthday Massacre, Panic! at the Disco and I think I'll like 30 Seconds to Mars if I ever get around to downloading more than 2 of their songs.
Why is it no one has ever heard of the bands I listen to? It's really not that weird and all three bands have wicked lyrics.

I'll email you back later Mandi, it might not be tonight, I'm having trouble staying awake.


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