April 27, 2006

happy thoughts keep me going...and going and going.

The following is a blog entry that tragically would not post on my msn space today, so you have to see it here. Thank you and good night.

Hey ppl!
First of all, I will say the weather today was awesomely lovely and sunny!!
But there were a lot of things that went wrong today.
1/ my interview which i was so psyched and prepared for was postponed til tuesday. :( I even got up at 7:30 this morning!! Aside from the assembly, thats the earliest I've woken up in the past 3 months. whoa.
2/we ate at subway, not my most favoritest place in the world...but it's growing on me. Augh!! lol. jk.
3/the battery in our car went dead and we almost were stranded in Walmart- oh the horrors!!! waugh! far too many things there, it makes me a little oh, whats that word?? like, panicky because you can't actually FIND what you want, cuz there's just too much stuff. Walmart is ok, sometimes. But I have limit to how long i can shop there. Moving on...
4/dad came to see about jump starting the car...and we had no jumper cable so were were really stranded, and agh!! Mom's cell went dead.
5/this isn't a bad thing, tho. We finally got a drive home! yay. bad thing to follow...
5/b/ actually bad thing: I was supposed to go to work at Flyer Services today, so we decided ashie would go with me, and yay- we'd work together be dine in like 3 hours and we'd both have $$ and be happy. NOT!! Ashley was in a "mood" and did NOT want to work at flyers.. so I had to go with mom and abbie(who was in my way the whole time they were there) who only stayed long enough to help me with 1/4 of the order...I'm so tired right now...but sleep oughta clear that up for tomorrow..
Here's my much nicer list of happy things from today: YAY!!!!!
1/I did pilates this morning! yay me! Gives me so much more energy to start the day off.
2/I have several days left to be even better prepared and get over my nerves.
3/I got 2 new flavours of lip gloss today- Vanilla and cotton candy. Mmm....hehe. ^_^I dare you to tell me that's not happy!! :P
4/I earned $40- yay! I can now get a battery charger for my dig camera. w007!! And support myself a bit longer out in service... ^_^ of course.
5/I got a phone call from another sister about service tomorrow- that's a car group of 4 of us for service tomorrow.
6/I've gotten my ugliness out in the first part of this blog and now can concentrate on happy moments. Wwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! And more to come tomorrow!

PS: I am not on drugs. this is the result of over tiredness and having the "proper" amount of sunshineyness. ^_^

April 15, 2006


Hi all, this is a poem I wrote last week, it's called Fragile, and I wrote it listening to my new Norah Jones cd. It's just a little thing I jotted down. :) No, not from experience, tho I shouldn't really have to state that. ;)


Fragile eyes
Can't get enough of you
Fragile lives
Remain apart
Fragile lies
Keep me away from you
Fragile thouhgts
Bring me back again
Fragile hands
Hold mine all night
Fragile words
Whispered only to me
Fragile lips
Hold kisses so sweet
Fragile night
I'd never want anything more.
~Mandi Johnson© 2006

April 13, 2006

one hundred and sixty-th post!

hello ppl.
i wrote a new song a few days ago, so here it is.

Full Circle
Ain't it funny how we never know what we've got?
And ain't it perfect how everything's alright when it's not?
She's seen the wreckage he's caused in his wake.
But still she's drawn to another mistake..

Her heart of hearts won't take no more damage today
She thought he was the one but he threw her away

Ain't nobody deserve the way she's been treated today.

Her heart of hearts won't take no more damage today
Try to lend a hand and she threw you away.

Ain't it funny how we never know what we've got?
And ain't it perfect how everything's alright when it's not?
She's seen the wreckage she's caused for herself
But still she's drawn by the pain that engulfs..

Her heart of hearts won't take no more damage today
Ain't nobody deserve the way we been treated...
~Mandi Johnson 2006

Still need to work out chords, but we'll se how that comes along. ;)

April 11, 2006

i am going to try postng a new pic on here and changing my profile pic.

I use this one for my other profile, and so I figure why leave an old license pic on here when i have newer pics of me that look better?
anyway, i'll do the necessary adjustsments shortly.
Today was my "day off". So funnyfor one unemploye dto say that. But i've been in service pretty much every day but tuesdays. That's my day off from service. But i did apply for a job again today. This time at Sears Portrait Studio. I saw an ad for it online. I'm hopeful about this one. Just like i had been hopeful about Pizza Delight, Blockbuster, Lawtons, Movie Gallery...and many more.
:(. too easy to get discouraged. Snap out of it, Mandi!!
It's so sun shiny today, a lovely day. Abbie and I went for a walk all around Kentville while mom was in Curves.
very nice day. When i get offline im going for a walk, i think.
well, guess thats all for now.
Oh! like, last week, i babysat and mom gave me a skirt instead of paying me, and it's brown and kinda pretty like a peasant skirt, from reitmans. So we went everywhere on sunday looking for shoes to match it. all these second hand places. Finally, we wound up at payless, and i found these very pretty velvet-y clogs with a flower pattern in beads on them, and they cost $49.99, and we got them for $22, and 15% off bc of CAA. :D Gotta love that! I don't think I've ever owned 50$ shoes before. It's something new for me. ^_^
K, now im going out to get my sunshine quota. ^_^ byes!!

April 04, 2006

grad pics everyone!!!!

in the words of darcy smith,clicky. check out the grad pics, yo!

April 01, 2006

worth a look

hey, this is pretty neat. i think you'll find it very interesting, lydia.
check it out.
