November 18, 2005

one hundred and second post

hi. i am just finda floating along today. aware but not aware. awake but asleep. Ever have one of those kinda days?
I just came back fr walking arounf the school. i noticed a half torn Wendy's french fries cup on the floor, a tile missing fr the ceiling showing the pipes, and a sign on the gym door about intramurals. But i don't know if i could rememeber all the ppl i passed, or even the roundabout route i took.
So here i am now. I cannot be certain about the past, nor the future. The past is written but who can tell the true interpretation? The future is just too uncertain. So all I can write about with some clarity is right now. Jill is behind me asking Moo questions about a project. I hear my fingers hitting the keyboard. I hear someone's walkman turned up loud as they walk past this computer room. I see greg over in the corner checking out the same sites he always checks. The bell will ring in 3 minutes.
There is a black and white print out on the desk to my side that has the bat symbol with a superman emblem inside. I think it is cool, but someone didn't because they left it here. Ms Laurence just came in the room to talk about yearbook stuff with Jill. I think it was yearbook stuff.
Thats the here, the now. What i can describe. there is more, but im sure im boring you.
I was online last night for 2 hours and the only person i talked to online was my aunt in mb. I wanted to talk to my friends fr nb. Or hannah. Or anyone.
Well, the bell's gonna go now. ttyl.


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