August 02, 2005

im back

hey ppls. i was camping as you already know. The first week was uh, not quite so bad. I slept in a tent on the ground- that sucked. But there are great trails and i got so much exercise. i think that added to my overall mood improvement. But the second week. It started out great. We drove all the way to summerside, pei. We stayed overnight at my uncle's house, and he has 2 sons- one my age, one older and moved away fr home. I haven't seen Ben(the one my age) since June, and b4 that, about 5 yrs. So I was super excited. He just gopt a job at Tim Hortons, so I didn't see him until after 10, when his mom brought him home. Guess what? We hit it off great!!! I mean, we like the same music, we have a similar sense of humour enough to get along great. It was awesome. We stayed up til 1:30 just talking and joking around. By then, I closed my eyes and was out like a light. lol. We slept in the next am, then we dropped him off at his work(a lot early, but hey, he didn't have to bike.) And then we took off for Cavendish. The first few days weren't so bad, considering my professed hatred for camping. But, then it downpoured. Good thing ash and I were on the highest part of our campsite. Oh, did I mention that Asdh and I had our own campsite away fr the rest of the fam? Mom and dad and rock and abbie shared a campsite w electricity(which they didn't use) with my aunt and uncle, and my other aunt and uncle were in the site beside ash and I. A lil confusing, but it gave ash and I a lil more space. So. It downpoured, and my part of the air mattress got wet, bc the tent and the tent fly leaked. Ugh. So, it was about 11:45 pm when we discovered this. And our air mattress had been leaking every night. Litterally on the ground when we woke up each morning. So, we put the air mattress in the van to blow it up. It was after 11, see, and it was "quiet time". We drove a fair distance away and blew up the mattress with our v noisy contraption. We also rigged a tarp over top of our tent fly, so that worked out ok. But I was so mad. I HATE- no, I ABHOR CAMPING AND SLEEPING IN THE RAIN. I HATE BEING WET AND CAMPING.
Anyways. I woke up after an actual restful sleep, and the ground was dry. it was really windy, and our air mattress actually stayed firm. I was like, wow. So the rest wasn't so bad, I guess. Oh no, wait. I lie. We went to Charlottetown for shopping on Saturday, the day b4 we left. I had been saving up, and I finally had enough to get the new Lifehouse cd. Which, ya know, I've only been DYING FOR since it came out. We went to Zellers, and Futre shop and Walmart. NONE OF THEM HAD IT. I was about ready to kill someone. I mean, pure unadulturated rage. I acted pretty much like a child having a temper tantrum. I had waited until then and I didn't get it. What i did get: a yellow belt fr Garage Clothing, and blue butterfly slippers fr Miss Teen(they were on sale). So, I got v tired of walking the mall v quickly, and I got v cranky. I'm not that pretty when I am cranky. I prob didn't get enough sleep, cuz i was awakened around 8 so we could leave b4 12 to go shopping. ugh. Anyways. I got over it, and I realized how horrible I was. Lala. Then, on Saturday night, we went to the drive in. They played the Fantastic Four movie, and Mr and Mrs Smith. I loved it. Mr and Mrs Smith was awesome, and incredibly funny wo being all graphic. there's a lot of action, but no blood and guts. If you know anything about the plot, they're both assassins. So a lot of action, but also no swearing and no sex or nudity. The worst words in there were when he called her chichen shit and she called him a pussy. Then he went, what? It was v funny. So if it's still playing, check it out. or rent it when it comes out. It is worth seeing.
Ok. So where was I? We came home on Sun eve. We got our doggie back, and he was so excited to have us back, he didn't even eat his bone. That's some excited. Things have finally calmed down now, and we have most of our laundry donw too.
Ok, so I g2g now, and I'll ttyl.


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