May 24, 2005


so we went to outpatients today, b/c of my finger. And I got x rays of it, then they just told me i had pulled a ligament in my finger and to put ice on it and to try to exercise it, but not too much.
So I'm back to school tomorrow, and I will have to present thurs. And it's no wheres near done. I need like, 11 more kd boxes, if anyone would bring them to school. Apparently no one else at school eats the stuff.
Well jolly good for the school population's health. They're mostly stoners anyway. except for my friends, who just happen to mostly be health nuts. Yeah, you, Lydia. You might be affecting me too, cuz before yesterday, I can't even rememer the last time I had chips or fries or pop or candy. And I felt so sick after having that junk. You know what I wound up ordering at McD's? A veggie toasted sandwich, and milk and a fruit/yogurt "parfait". No fries, i just stole a few fr my sis. Sigh. No pop, I took one sip of ash's and I was like, I'm gonna puke. I didn't but it was gross. So there, are you happy? Since I became a lacto-ovo vegetarian(2 yrs this nov) I have been so much more conscious of what I'm eating, and making sure I eat right. Thats a lil weird, cuz there used to be times when I could live off chips and pop and sugary cereals. Man, if i did that now, I would prob. kill myself. j/k. But it's weird anyways.
So I g2g, i'll ttyl
~mAnDi J


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