May 25, 2005

projet autonom

i am so not going to have this project ready to present tomorrow. Argh!!! I wanna tear my hair out!!!!!! drgiouybzidchvlzdnsv9f7w
I have english class next, and we are supposed to be somewhere in our preparation for our seminars. We have pretty much nothing. We need 4 soucres. We had trouble getting 1 last time we worked together.
My finger is a lovely shade of green/blue/purple today. I can bend it more, and it doesn't hurt quite as much, but i still can't use it when i type or write. I haven't tried playing guitar...don't think I'd get much music done. Thats frustrating, cuz I started a song, and I never got to finish it. :(
anyways, i should go now....class is almost over.


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