May 07, 2005

oo la la la oo la la la

Today was frustrating. I stayed up later than usual last night, as we all (excpet for dad) decided to go on down to the opening of the drive-in. We stayed for two movies, got home around 1:15, and I didn't get to sleep probably until about 2. Woke up too early, at 7:50, to shower and get ready to got to the Drop and Run at Acadia. Thats a huge yard sale. The students are pretty much done their year, and are headed home, so anything they don't want they can drop off at the arena, and they have an annual yard sale inside(arena sale?). Last year we went, i got the best jeans ever, as well as a lot of candles and candle holders. Dad thought someone may have dropped off a beat up guitar(i know he said that to get me to come!), but he was looking for computer stuff.
We actually didn't do too bad. I got brand new GAP jeans for mom, except when we got home, i tried them on and they're mine now. I got a big artist's canvas, and it's intimidating me. I don't know what to paint.
I also got more candle stuff.(yay) We got a whole bunk bed set for my 14 yr old sister- in maple. The set cost us $15. That made the whole trip worthwhile, and the fact that dad let me drive on the highway. Acadia U is about 20 mins away, so I drove fr acadia to home, and then back to acadia. I know, technically, it's wolfville, but i will refer tho that town here as acadia. I had never been on the highway before when i was driving, it was so cool. And I drove through the tim horton's drive thru, another first. We picke dup a coffee for me and one for mom, though she didn'tknow we brought her one and she left it on a table at the drop and run. She wasn't impressed when we told her later.
Yesterday, Lydia and I were supposed to bike up the mountain to the ravine- but i forgot, and she was too tired anyways. *sad face* I actually id want to go, but we can't for a couple weeks not, cause the weather's being lousy. We have a severe storm warning, apparently we will get a lot of rain today and tomorrow, and pretty much all week it's supposed to rain. Aww...
anyways, I think that should bring y'all up to date on my incredibly boring and pathetic life.
~Mandi Johnson


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