May 01, 2005

no profile pic yet, and other randomness

Wow. Lydia posted on here. That's rare. lol. j/k, lydia.
I looked up the website for that band, Pain of Salvation(love that name!), and wow. The lyrics are way better than ne thing i could ever write. I mean, I could write about the same stuff, and it wouldn't come out nearly that good.
As for my entry being deep, i don't think so, not especially. Just my musings of that moment, caught in cyberspace for all the world to see.
Ok, yeah, i have a way with words. But it's not like i'm like that all the time. I'm one female with a lot of writer's block.
For instance, i'm sure amy and lydia are finished their memoirs and their biogpraphies des premiers ministers, mais je n'ai le commencé!
I haven't started them. Well, i have info, i just find it so incredibly boring and a watse of time, i can't write about it. I need inspiration. Big time.
Cracking a textbook might get me motivated, but not inspired.
I have yet to figure out how to get my pic on my profile. It's quite frustrating, as I took several pics to get that one, which looks half decent and not stoned, and now it tells me it's too big to put as my profile. *shakes fist*.
I'll figure it out sometime.*rolls eyes and sighs*
On other news, I have updated most of my web pages for my zine, save for the two most recent issues, which still have the wrong colour background. Let me tell you, this is one all canadian girl. I can never type colour w/o that u, and the html doesn't tend to like it there too much. thats mildly amusing.
well, deifenbaker and mulroney call, so i better say adieu now, and post on here when i'm done and celebrating.
~mAnDi J


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