May 24, 2005

home fr skool

owww.. I think i sprained my finger last night. It's all swollen and won't bend. Mom is hopefully taking me to the outpatients whenever she gets the time. Thing is, it's on my left hand, which means i can't write now. Yes, i am a leftie. Ppl are stil surprised to find that out.
See, what happened was, I bought a football last night. We went bowling, then to McD's, and then ash and I walked to walmart. So we looked around, and she's like, I want a football. And since I had way more $ saved than her- i think thats weird, cuz i have major $ saving trouble- i say, i'll buy it. We hummed and hawed, and i bought it.
We get home, and I took her out- it was getting dark. And we played around w it. The v last throw, we were on our way in, or about to. And it hit my knuckle or bent my finger back. Anyways, PAIN. and it thing started to swell up. it is worse this am.
anyways, thats why im not in school, if anyone cares. * sorry ashley- hugs*
what im most concerned about it my project for histoire. I don't have much of it done, and it's still at school. due on thurs. argh! i will not get it finished now.
Oh ! I almost forgot. Family fun day was yesterday, and it was ok, i guess. We played corney games. It was all v cheesy, as i said. But mom gave out "treat bags" and mine had some junk, but i had the NEW U2 CD!!!! I am so happy. Mom knew I'd been wanting it for a long time. Since it came out. And I was saving up for it too. :) And now i have it.
Anyways, i must go...ttyl


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