May 09, 2005

gator idol

gator idol is today! the finale. Translates to: 5 period day, therefore, shorter classes. Thats fine by me.
Yesterday we were at my grandparents' house, and i posted on here. I checked my emails this morning, and had a new one from josh. To log on and read his, and reply took me only 6 minutes, which was a good thing, cause my bus was about to come. lol.
I accidentally set my alarm clock ahead one hour last night, so instead of going off around 7, i was woken up around 6. And i didn't even notice. It was still dark out, and no one was up. That should've tipped me off. But no, i showered, and was completely awake by the time I realized it was far to early. Groaner. Well, i guess i'll be tired most of today then.
Thats all for now, i'll post who won gator idol after school, unless lydia does first.
~mAnDi J


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