May 20, 2005

bah da bah da da..da da da..

i still have that sarah McLaughin song on my brain. i likes it.
I was watching csi the season finale last night- 9-11. wow. it was awesome. Most ppl i know watched it.
And i'm still in calm class, it's stretching into an incredibly long day- prob why i'm minding it so much.
I am happy tho- no school on mon. But sad- my friend's dad died and his memorial service is on sat. My dad's giving the service at our kingdom hall. It's not lik he was really young, tho. He was an older brother in our hall, but he will be missed. I remember every time i'd stop to talk to him he was always just so happy to be there. To be at the kingdom hall for the meetings. And he was enthusiastic. He had some health problems, but i remember him as just always being there. It was encouraging to me. But now he's gone- he died from cancer. His wife is still in our hall, and his daughter, Roseanna, she's in our hall too. She taken his illness really well, though. She's one of my best friends. She realizes her dad had a really good life and that he was in a lot of pain, and all that stuff. And our beliefs sort of help with grief. I don't believe god "takes" ppl or that we all go to heaven, and I don't believe in hell. Most ppl don't know that.
So mom has some incredibly cheesy thing planned this wkend....i don't know what. Oh! maybe she's taking us to the fair. I heard it's at the mall, but i'm like, hardly ever there anymore. I doubt thats what she's planned tho. We just got a dog, and she's always complaining bout being broke, and not having enough to go to winnipeg....
I am still saving up to go to bathurst this summer. I am pretty excited about that. I like trains. I don't know why, but I was on one only once, and it was w my aunt, and I just really liked the trip.
Well the bell will be ringing in a few more minutes. I suppose I'll say goodbye for real this time.
tty tomorrow.
~mAnDi J


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