May 30, 2005

babysitting last nite

So last night, I was making my supper, when all of the sudden, mom's like, Oh. We're going to Pam and Wayne's for supper, and ur babysitting. we'll be home around 11. Here's ur chores. I was like, Wha?
So it wasnn't that bad, we all ate, I was supposed to wash the dishes- i did most of them. Ashley burned her cd that she wanted, and then all of us- me, abbie, ash, rick, rex- went outside o play football. Although my finger still hurt, it was fun. Rex started running all ovewr the place, and he actually brought the frisbee back a time or two. Ash and I threw the football back and forth, and abbie thought she was. It was all good. Then rex didn't want to go inside, but we finally got him on the leash.
I was supposed to put abbie to bed and read stories to her. So, half an hour later, i actually got her to bed. I read three books, and then I fell asleep in her bed before she did. I guess I was exhausted. Mom came and woke me up. Man! I was so warm. It must have been 15 degrees(celcius) out- pretty warm for the nighttime. And abbie had several blankets on. I stumbled around for awhile, and I finally found my way to my bedroom. Rex even slept on the foot of my bed...
Today is monday, and I brought my guitar today. Yay. I have english third, and we have a word of the day quiz. Then I get to play my song.
Like I said, I was online w darcy yesterday, and I learned basic tabs, and specifically scales. we had been working on those b4, but putting the two together. I suppose I am getting the stuff pretty easily, but i feel like its going really slow at the same time.
Anyways, I g2g, so ttyl.


At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you named your dog Rex. :P

At 11:31 AM, Blogger paintingwords said...

we didn't name him- he was called rex by the last family that had him.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair enough. Do you think he would notice if you changed his name?

At 11:31 AM, Blogger paintingwords said...

actually, he has answered to max.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger paintingwords said...

and rick


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