April 25, 2005


Hello. I am almost finished with this regard sur la vie thing. It's really annoying my. I mean, yawner! Don't get me wrogn- i love looking up info on old dead guys. Esp. ones I'm related to. But this is just dragging on and on. Not to mention it was due like, Friday. Then today. And I'll have it done for tomorrow.
*rolls eyes*.
Heard back fr josh today, that was nice. My so-called friends at school have been teasing me mercilessly. Thanx guys, a lot. And darren, still waiting to recieve a comment fr u on here. Lydia, have you forgotten me? If u happen to read this before tomorrow, u and amy owe me zine $, but get it to me whenever, k?
As I've mentioned already on here, I had a mirgane/headache thing today- not fun. Lydia and i went to Mr. Lindh's office to get tylenol. good news is he doesn't creep me out ne more.
It actually worked, which is the amazing thing. Mr Lindh almost didn't believe me that i need two extra strength tylenol. Last time i asked him for some(2 yrs ago) he only gave me one, and guess what? it didn't work.
I hate having headaches, but what can I do? i was on meds for it for 6 months. I'm off now.
Neways, i said that thing would be done for tomrrow, so i better finish it.
~Don Quixote(mandi)


At 10:25 PM, Blogger Sole Mates for Life said...

the school cant give us anything for a headache in the US... which is kinda stupid if you ask me

At 8:33 AM, Blogger paintingwords said...

yeah...used to be a lot more teachers could give it to ya, but not ne more. I think it's just him. He teaches med. tech.12 and first aid stuff.


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