April 26, 2005

old diaries

This am i was sitting on the bus, and i looked at my old diary. It's just something I do randomly, read through old entries. Well, i rememebred an awful lot of stuff. Stupid dtuff, like sitting in chem and math class, bored to tears. I once wrote a verse to a song in math class cuz i was too bored. It's "advanced math". Yeah right. My teacher think's he goes so fast paced. He doesn't. We still do the same stuff over and over.
Anyways, getting off topic. I also found several oems and musings I thought I'd lost. I mean, they could be anywhere. I have over 30 diaries and journals. Very rarely do i ever finish them, something about i always want to know there's at least one page left to write on ifi really need it. Or most likely because I just keep on getting mew ones. I really don't know.
So anyways, here's one of the poems i thought I'd lost . i was quite happy to find it. It's kinda dumb, but it's a limerick. I don't write too many of them.

The stream of time waits for no one
You're here for a moment, then you're gone.
Makin' your mark
Is a stab in the dark
Sometimes you're merely a pawn.
2005. Mandi Johnson

I miss dancing. It's random, but i just read a lengthy journal entry about how much i miss art, and dancing. I was in a dance group when i was in gr 5-7. I loved it. And i love to move to music(mostly in my room where no one sees*blushes*) I even enjoy myself at those dumb teen parties. And one other thing I miss: having time to play guitar and time to fool around w chords to come up w a tune for a song. Thats stuff i miss. Sniff. I guess I'm just being nostalgic right now.
I should be doing my CALM project now, so I guess thats all for now.
~mAnDi J


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