April 20, 2005

my head's clearer now, thanx

Hey ppls, and lydia, who i know for sure reads this ;P.
Indead, my head is a tad clearer now that im away from school and all that "mandi smokes pot" business. I swear im going to get in huge trouble bout that some day. But i guess it's just fun and games for now, so i go along w/ it.
In case you don't know me, I WILL NEVER SMOKE POT or do ANY ILLEGAL DRUGS. Just wanted to state that for the record, cuz ppl get strange ideas. some ppl in my group in CALM class have a joke running that i am this big pot-head. I'm not, it's fictional.
Today, though, I was really out of it, and I understand why they truely thought i was stoned. I had a headache.
So now that I know what's going on, I will attempt to post my homework for any of you who are in my classes(v small percentage, maybe none, but hey- it's my blog):
Histoire Canadien: Regard sur la Vie, due friday.
Thinger- ma-gigger about cold war prime minister's memoirs due tomorrow(i think)
Thinger we did today, overview on all the prime ministers. Due tomorrow or the next day
Projet Autonome. due sometime next month, no idea when. Good idea to start it though
Newspaper. Mine due on may 11, no idea when ur's might be done.
English: Journals, due May 4th.
Quiz on punctuation on Friday
Essay on Power Of Words, due on Mon
Word of the Day Quiz 4, next wed.
We had a Test on Shakepeare's boigraphy info today.
Math 12: We had a Test today
Couple quick questions for tomorrow
CALM:Moving Out Project

So that's all, and I'll tty'all l8a.
~mAnDi J


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