April 18, 2005


today is monday. I don't really like mondays. It's something about the way it is just so hard to get up in the morning, and then the day streches on like it will never end, and you almost have this dreraded feeling that you're stuck in a wormhole and you'll never reach the next weekend. I don't like mondays.
But i went to school anyway, and this morning, it actually took me only 5 minutes instead of the normal 20 to get my lazy @$$ out of bed, so I suppose the day wasn't that bad.
After an exhasting and somewhat unrewarding and for all other intentions disappointing day at school, I came home to realize I had temporarily misplaced my one and only house key inside the house. The problem posed, of course, that the key was inside, the door was locked, and I was outside along with my sister. Horrible ending to the day, but of course, that was not the end. My mother eventually came home, unlocked the door with her key, and then, dispite my lack of a keyring and house key, gave me my own coveted key to the van. So now I can drive our family's vehicle without bumming keys. Mom or dad still need to be with me in the van at all times, but hey, it's a start.
After supper, mom and I dropped dad off at the Kingdom Hall, and then I drove to Shell in Coldbrook for mom to pump gas. That was weird. Being a new driver, I have never actually driven up to a gas pump before. I did alright, did not drive over the curb as my mother apparently did her first time, but the thing is, mom got out of the passenger side to pump the gas. I didn't pump it. Of course, I'm not complaining, because to complain would be to say I wanted to be the one to pay for the $60 worth of fuel. No thanks. She can do that part. I mean, I don't have my full license. Only learners.
So then I drove to Foodland, we got groceries, I drove home, and now she's gone the other direction to Berwick while I'm at home. Blogging. And hopefully, there is something on tv to watch tonight, cause then I could do something in addition to my hmwk.
regardless, I think this post is long enough. So until later, c'iao.
~mAnDi J


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