April 28, 2005

finished with recycling- almost nauseous

We finished recycling for this week.
I should probably explain I'm in Youth Action Team at my school, and our big project for thie start of the year was to get a recycling program started at school. So now that we implemented it, we have to collect everything fr the classrooms and sort it every thursday. The smell gets to ya, and the cans are sometimes left half full or spill out in the bags. It's v messy and v gross, but I'm really glad the stuff isn't going to a landfill. And I don't mind missing most of first class. lol. Almost an hour today- longer than normal.
I guess this class is almost over, so ttyl
~mAnDi J


At 10:52 AM, Blogger Sole Mates for Life said...

thats cool... the only thing we collect here is the pop bottles... (which i think the teachers actually use them for their own sake... but oh well...

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Sunil Natraj said...

Glad to know that you have been recycling. From where I hail from theres hardly anything of this sort.

Kepp up the good work Madam :)

At 10:08 PM, Blogger paintingwords said...

josh, that's what our prob was, and the fact that if we used the recycle bins, they all went to the dump anyway. So we took the initiative, and I'm really glad we did.


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