April 20, 2005


I was just in English class, and may i say, i was quite creeped out when i looked around me. Not the like, horror house or haunted house, rather, type-stuff, just, oh, i don't know. I just got that vibe. It was a bit scarry.
Anyway, I haven't done much today, we had histoire first, worked in the comp lab.
I'm still waiting for lydia to join my blog here, and hopefulyy that's soon.
I had a Shakespeare test last class, and i have a math test next. Then I have CALM and i don't think my partners are here today. It's 4/20, for those of the student body who smoke pot. I don't have too much to do in CALM today anyhow, cause i did research and adjusted my budget yesterday.
Well, thats about all the stuff that is going on, for anyone who wanted to know.
Out Eng essays are due on monday, our word of the day Quiz is on next wed. Our Skapespeare play is Much Ado About Nothing, and we'll be starting that soon. I still wanted to do Taming of the Shrew. :0(.
Oh well. So ttyl,
~mAnDi J


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