April 26, 2005


hello people, sorry to bother y'all again.
I know, there should be a limit to how many times we blog in one day.
Just wanted to say hey to amy, as i invited her to this blog. I'm still not sure if she'll join, but i sent an invite.
Actually, I wanted to post another poem. lol. hope y'all like em, cuz that's today's theme, apparently. I really like this one, anyway. I read it in my English class.

You are a flower
beautifully intoxicating
Breathtakingly innocent.
I watch as you life hangs.
Hangs in the balance.
I reach out,
Are you there?
The mist rises.
Were you a dream?
Or maybe you are still
Out there somewhere.
Hidden in the mist.
Your translucent
Is what got me confused.
I thought I saw
This pain in your eyes.
I want to help
But I can't find you now.
I'd call out your name
If i knew it well.
But you are a flower.
I call out to
Are you there?
2005 Mandi Johnson


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